Ratingdietplans.com Has Created The Ultimate List Of Holiday Dieting Tips

Over time, such weight gain can be detrimental to someone’s health and something will have to be done to change the situation. From planning ahead by bringing healthy snacks to taking the two-bite approach and scanning the room prior to raiding the buffet table, this holiday dieting guide will provide you with a handy list of suggestions you can use to avoid falling victim to the dreaded holiday pounds. Check it out here . Media Contact: Julian Hooks, RatingDietPlans.com, (813) 445-3837, julian@advertising-commissions.com News distributed by PR Newswire iReach: https://ireach.prnewswire.com garcinia cambogia extract SOURCE RatingDietPlans.com The information on this page is provided by PR Newswire. All rights reserved. Reproduction or redistribution of this content without prior written consent from PR Newswire is strictly prohibited.
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The Fat on Dieting in the New Year

They need you to pay high fees and stay “tuned in” to what is nothing more than noise. The good news is that both the diet “game” and the investment game can be won by following simple strategies. You just have to have the knowledge about them and the discipline to adhere to them. When it comes to dieting, there are some who can succeed on their own, while others can succeed only with the help of a coach or personal trainer. Similarly, there are some investors who can succeed on their own, while others need the help of a professional advisor.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-505123_162-57601204/dieting-and-investing-simple-but-not-easy/

Dieting and investing: Simple, but not easy

Robert Pretlow, founder of an interactive website for overweight teens and preteens, identifies “comfort eating,” “stress eating” and “boredom eating” as the major culprits for our rising childhood obesity rates. These are the very same triggers for restricting food and for binge-purge cycles. With the pressures on young people rising, there’s little reason to think that all forms of turning to emotional eating or controlling food will diminish. That bodes well for the diet industry but not for the rest of us. So a word to the wise — resist the urge to “diet.” Read the research… diets don’t work; they make matters worse.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.huffingtonpost.com/jane-shure/dieting_b_1194532.html

Customized Fat Loss Is A Professional Weight Loss Program That Works

Four principles accelerate fat loss

The plan is customized specifically per person so you get the most out of your money. The Customized fat loss program is designed for you to give your body exactly what it needs so you can start feeling and looking the way youve always dreamed of. Your recovery nutrition with the customized fat loss system customizes to your needs and quickly rebuilds the broken down muscle after a workout. The Customized Fat Loss system was designed for only those who are serious about making their weight loss goals a reality. CFL customizes 3 meal plans that you may choose from every day that will meet your nutritional requirements. If you are unsatisfied with the meals then it will let you build your own meal plan. There are nearly 1400 foods to choose from with CFL.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.examiner.com/article/customized-fat-loss-is-a-professional-weight-loss-program-that-works

You Don’t Try Other Forms Of Cardio Now that you know muscle is important to your overall weight-loss goals, it only makes sense that you would want to do the type of training that helps this happen in the least amount of time. So garcinia cambogia side effects if you’re a lover of slower, longer duration cardio, I have some bad news: “Endurance” running and walking (longer duration, lower intensity) impairs strength and muscle growth, according to research in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. What’s more, even if you increase the intensity and run on an incline, cycling is still better for gaining muscle and burning fat, say researchers from Stephen F. Austin State University.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/11/14/running-weight-loss_n_4123911.html

5 Reasons Running May Not Help You Lose Weight

Lipolysis (step 1) is accomplished by an intracellular enzyme called hormone sensitive lipase (HSL), which is available abundantly within fat cells. The hormones that stimulate HSL are secreted in response to fasting, under-eating, intense exercise, and stress. The fat partitioning step (step 2) is controlled by the enzyme lipoprotein lipase (LPL). LPL – as its name suggests – acts on circulating lipoprotein particles whose role is to transport fats in the bloodstream. LPL liberates fatty acids from the lipoprotein particles so that they can be herded into the cell on which the LPL resides. LPL distribution is determined by the balance between insulin and glucagon (which is determined primarily by blood sugar levels) as well as by sex hormones. Beta-oxidation (step 3) is regulated by all of the hormones mentioned above.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.naturalnews.com/032978_fat_loss_solutions.html

Blurred Vision? Eye Doctor Myths Exposed – Learn How To Exercise Your Eye Muscles For Restoring Healthy Vision And Eliminating Prescription Glasses

NAVCP Paper And Webinar Explore Ways To “Invigorate Interest In The Vision Benefit”

You probably never noticed yourself doing this because you don’t feel your ciliary muscles working, but they achieve this focus for you thousands of times a day, automatically and without any effort on your part. Some people (like myself) have achieved conscious control over these muscles, and we can consciously choose to alter the focus of our eyes at any moment, regardless of what scene we’re looking at. But for most people, the function is their ciliary muscles is involuntary. (I’m in my 40’s and continue to have perfect vision , never needing contact lenses or glasses. I also boost my vision with nutrition such as astaxanthin, lutein and zeaxanthin supplements.) How to strengthen your ciliary muscles that control your eye lenses Like any muscle, the ciliary muscles can become weak. How does a muscle become weak?
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.naturalnews.com/034345_blurred_vision_eye_doctors_pinhole_glasses.html

LOUISVILLE, Ky., Nov. 6, 2013 /PRNewswire/ — The National Association of Vision Care Plans (NAVCP), with the support of Transitions Optical, Inc., has released a consensus paper, “Invigorating Interest in the Vision Benefit,” and will share paper highlights during a one-hour webinar scheduled for 1 p.m. EST on November 12, 2013. The paper summarizes presentations and discussions from a roundtable of NAVCP member medical directors, which focused on strategies to increase interest in the vision benefit, even within a crowded health care climate. “The Affordable Care Act and its impact on health benefit strategy is the big topic with most employers these days– but where does that leave specialty health benefits like vision?” said Julian Roberts, executive director, NAVCP and NASHO.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.thestreet.com/story/12098442/1/navcp-paper-and-webinar-explore-ways-to-invigorate-interest-in-the-vision-benefit.html